HR Support : All Pages
- Picture Credits
- Home
- Circulars
- Tabs test
- Academic integrity in research
- Communications
- Statement of no smoking policy (including vaping)
- Disciplinary procedures
- Contract template change - pensions paragraph
- Research funder policies and requirements on bullying and harassment
- Hours on payslips
- Spring 2019 EJRA application round closes 31 March 2019
- Probation
- HR news
- 2018 HR Self-Assessment and Data Collection Exercise
- Revisions to the No Smoking Policy, to include vaping
- 2018 Salary increases for clinical academic and related staff
- Revision of University salary scales 2018: all non-clinical staff
- 2018-19 Holiday calculator now available
- Website Survey
- New support for carers
- Oxford rail closures
- GDPR Readiness
- Compliance audit 2017 - Academic departments
- Outside appointments – revised OA1 form
- Updated retirement guidance, templates and EJRA forms
- Change to Grade 1 and Grade 1A of the salary and grading structure
- Newton International Fellows
- Holiday calculator 2019-20
- Transferring staff into or out of the University
- Death in service
- Who can hire and dismiss?
- Long service leave
- Safeguarding 'at risk' adults and children
- Unauthorised absence
- Priority candidates
- Overseas working
- Career break
- Hours of work
- Variable work patterns (variable shift premium for support staff)
- Managing and ending fixed-term contracts
- Redundancy and end of fixed-term contracts
- Fixed-term contracts: appointment, renewal and extension
- Part-time workers
- Staff handbook - Academic-related staff
- Staff handbook - Support staff
- Carers’ leave (unpaid, short-term)
- 2019 pay uplift for non-clinical staff
- Additional annual leave
- Contact the People Department
- Framework: family leave for researchers and academics
- Fertility treatment leave
- Family leave - guidance for PIs
- Unpaid parental leave
- Grievance procedures
- Leave
- Holiday entitlement
- Holiday calculation
- Leave for other reasons
- Employing overseas residents
- Disruption to travel guidance
- Fixed-term contracts: regular activities
- Offering employment
- Joint employment contracts
- Grading
- Restructuring
- UK-based employees working overseas
- Recruitment without advertising
- Reorganisation guidelines
- Time off for training
- Career and bridging support
- References
- Information for research staff
- Fixed-term contracts: as end date approaches (2 or more years’ service)
- Fixed-term contracts: as end date approaches (less than 2 years’ service)
- Redundancy procedure
- Pre-employment checks
- Standard, compulsory checks
- Additional, role-related checks
- DBS checks
- Employment of ex-offenders
- New starter health checks
- Secondments
- The Grading Service
- Regrading
- Generic job descriptions
- Grade and category descriptions
- Higher Education Role Analysis (HERA)
- Holding outside appointments
- Family leave for academic staff
- Guidelines for leave for academic staff
- Academic posts at Oxford
- The EJRA
- Information for parents
- Staff requests
- Job descriptions: help and guidance
- Support for carers
- Supporting staff with disabilities
- Sickness absence reporting and record-keeping arrangements
- Managing sickness cases and other matters
- Informal and formal processes for managing sickness absence
- Return to work (RTW) after sickness absence
- Guidance on sick pay
- Conduct, capability and dismissal
- Sickness absence
- Information for parents and carers
- Flexible working
- Informal applications for flexible working
- Using social media
- Using social media in pre-employment checks
- Resignation
- Continuous service
- Induction
- Policy concerning relationships between students and staff
- Internships
- New starter arrangements
- Contract templates
- Introduction: academic-related staff handbook
- Section 2: support staff handbook
- Section 3: academic-related staff handbook
- Section 4: academic-related staff handbook
- Section 5: academic-related staff handbook
- Section 6: academic-related staff handbook
- Section 7: academic-related staff handbook
- Section 8: academic-related staff handbook
- Paternity/partner leave
- Leaving employment
- Introduction: Academic-Related Staff Handbook 2
- Section 4: support staff handbook
- Section 5: support staff handbook
- Section 6: support staff handbook
- Section 7: support staff handbook
- Section 3: support staff handbook
- Section 2: academic-related staff handbook
- Section 8: support staff handbook
- Introduction: support staff handbook
- Section 9: support staff handbook
- Section 9: academic-related staff handbook
- Fixed-term employee regulations
- Contract type
- Example induction programme
- Self-employed contractors and consultants
- Reappointment procedure for Associate Professors
- Staff benefits
- Casual workers
- Work-life balance
- Financial benefits
- Health and wellbeing
- Travel
- Personal and professional development
- Discounts
- University facilities
- Attracting candidates
- Selecting candidates
- Selection tests
- Frequently asked questions about mediation
- Guidance on mediation
- People Committee meeting dates
- Discount codes
- Allowances and Premiums
- Variation of duties
- Responding to notices to book ShPL
- Shared Parental Leave (ShPL)
- Statutory Shared Parental leave and pay
- Contractual, enhanced Shared Parental Pay (ShPP)
- ShPL notifications – adoption
- Temporary Staffing Service
- Family leave
- Family leave glossary
- Shared Parental Leave in touch (SPLIT) days
- Employment benefits during ShPL
- Returning to work after ShPL
- Joint appointment procedures
- Planning a recruitment
- Management guidance - work-related stress
- Policy on the prevention and management of work-related stress
- Manager’s checklist for the prevention of work-related stress
- Signs and indicators
- Information and assistance
- Work-related stress - summary
- The HSE management standards
- Staff guidance - work-related stress
- Recognition of Distinction
- Professorial Merit Pay
- Maternity leave and pay
- University's contractual maternity pay scheme
- Other HR policies
- Before the birth
- After maternity leave
- During maternity leave
- Maternity leave checklist (for administrators)
- Adoption leave and pay
- University's contractual adoption pay scheme
- Before the adoption
- During adoption leave
- After adoption leave
- Volunteers
- Employees (including variable hours)
- Updates for staff
- Governance
- About us
- Retention periods for University personnel records
- People Committee agendas
- Reward
- Recognition
- Retirement
- Support staff retirement
- Responsibility allowances
- Market pay
- Allowances for work performed outside of standard working hours
- A-Z
- Joint committees and staff representation
- Agreement on informing and consulting employees
- Academic and academic-related staff (UCU)
- Guidance on informing and consulting staff
- University Support Staff (JCUSS)
- Recognition of Distinction 2025
- Gender pay gap reporting
- Equal pay audits
- Senior Remuneration Committee (SRC)
- Reward governance and monitoring
- Living Wage
- Flexible retirement
- Retirement for staff at grades 6 to 10 and ALC6
- Retirement for academic staff and academic-related staff at grade RSIV and equivalents
- Flexible working – formal scheme
- Academic staffing: further particulars templates
- Employment status
- ShPL notifications – birth
- Honorary research agreement
- Gifts to employees on retirement
- Bump severance register
- Calculating voluntary severance payment
- EJRA application deadline
- Pay structures
- Academic staff pay
- Clinical staff pay
- Main salary and grading structure
- Professorial merit pay 2025
- The recruitment process
- Academic employment
- About
- Accessibility statement for the University of Oxford – UAS websites on the Oxford Mosaic platform
- Information for staff
- Staff handbooks
- Employee benefits
- Templates
- Senior staff pay
- Adoption leave checklist
- Recruitment
- Academic recruitment
- What is a right to work check?
- Training
- Right to work for Student/ Tier 4 visa holders
- Right to work - Supplementary employment
- Right to Work
- How to complete a right to work check
- Right to work for casual workers
- During employment
- Senior Appointments Panel (SAP)
- 2019 Salary increases for clinical academic and related staff
- Personnel Committee guidance in relation to reviews of the initial periods of office of Associate Professors
- Reward and Recognition Scheme
- Living wage uplift 2019
- New HR Support website goes live
- Guide to the appointment of Associate Professors
- Launch of the Awards for Excellence exercise 2019/20
- Agency workers
- Fixed closure dates
- Sick leave for academic staff
- HR self-assessment and data collection 2019 - now open
- UCEA news February 2020
- Open letter from UCEA and UUK to staff- Feb 2020
- Covid-19 Resources for staff, managers and HR colleagues
- New: The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (furlough)
- Staff Financial Support Fund
- Virtual recruitment
- Virtual interview set-up
- Challenges of virtual interviews
- Advice for virtual panel interviewers
- Tips for interview candidates
- Interview briefing for candidates
- Return to on-site working - new guidance
- Nationally negotiated pay uplift for 2020/21
- Working from home
- Parental bereavement leave
- Staff Sharing Scheme
- CJRS (furlough) scheme extended
- SERPs and UAPs: read the PC report
- Apprenticeship FAQs for supervisors and departments
- Apprenticeships
- Recruit a New Entrant Apprentice or Trainee
- Apprenticeship Testimonials
- Consultation on payments for examining and supervising
- The 'Day One' family leave scheme
- CJRS/furlough further extension
- Self-assessment checklist
- University Thank You Board
- Benefits of working in Higher Education
- New Ways of Working
- Launch of New Ways of Working (NWW)
- Pay in Higher Education and at the University
- Staff who have been overseas during the pandemic
- Apprenticeships - during employment
- Training - Shared Parental Leave basics
- HR self-assessment & data collection exercise
- Working with relatives and partners
- Launch of new staff bike scheme
- Apprenticeship recruitment calendar
- Am I eligible?
- Apprenticeships - end of contract
- Menopause in the workplace
- Personnel Security Policy
- New: Guidance on menopause in the workplace
- Domestic Abuse
- Bereavement/compassionate leave
- Associate Professor Inclusive Recruitment Guidelines
- Vice-Chancellor’s Awards
- World Menopause Day - watch the workshop
- Recruitment Phase - Attract
- Contacts
- Exceptional non-consolidated payment FAQs
- Exceptional non-consolidated payment
- University retains prestigious HR Excellence in Research Award
- Free workshop: Menopause and the workplace 7 February
- Public Interest Disclosure (whistleblowing) Code of Practice
- Staff Employment Review Panels and University Appeal Panels: read the annual update
- Updates to the University's staff-student relationships policy
- Early pay uplift for non-clinical staff following national pay negotiations
- Pay awards
- University’s position on UCU industrial action
- Visitors
- Trade Union - HR meetings
- Holiday pay for part-year workers - survey
- Academic Career and Reward Framework
- Academic Career and Reward Framework
- Academic Career and Reward Framework
- Academic Career and Reward Framework
- Academic Career and Reward Framework
- Academic Career and Reward Framework
- People Strategy
- Pay uplift for non-clinical staff implemented
- The Confident Manager
- Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
- Supporting World Menopause Day - 18 October
- Pregnancy loss
- Pay & Conditions
- Pay & Conditions Governance
- Pay & Conditions FAQs
- Pay & Conditions review methodology
- Pay & Conditions review objectives
- Pay & Conditions implementation and next steps
- Staff Employment Review Panels and University Appeal Panels: annual report
- Pay & Conditions news and updates
- HR Support: Use of cookies on this website
- Academic Career and Reward Framework
- HR policy updates taking effect on 6 April
- A new approach to this year’s HESA staff return
- Find your HR contact
- Grading Service Review
- Induction for HR staff
- Pay & Conditions Report
- Pay & Conditions: Work–life balance, health and wellbeing
- Pay & Conditions: Action on pay
- Work + Family Space service closes to staff on 31 October 2024
- Grading Service Review
- Grading Service Review
- Grading Service Review
- Paternity leave survey - privacy notice
- Pay and conditions review 2024 actions
- People Projects
- Holiday pay update
- Strategic Workforce Planning
- Free subscriptions to the Economist, Financial Times and Times Higher Education
- People and Finance Service Transformation
- Annual report on Statute XII hearings - 2023-24
- Statutory Paternity Leave
- New: Additional Paternity/Partner Leave launched
- Frequently asked questions
- Delivering consistent workforce management capabilities