Living Wage

The Living Wage is an hourly rate set independently and updated annually by the Living Wage Foundation. The Living Wage is calculated according to the real costs of living, based on a basket of household goods and services. It is intended to allow people to provide for themselves and their families. It was decided that accreditation was the right thing to do in the light of the University's commitment to all its staff, the high cost of living in Oxford in comparison to salaries and the University’s aims in respect of engagement with the local community.


In 2015, the University made a commitment to become an accredited Living Wage employer through the phased accreditation route, to demonstrate our commitment to paying a fair wage to all staff: employees, workers and contractors and in April 2017, the University became an accredited Living Wage employer. In order to maintain accredited status the University has committed to pay both employees, and the staff of contractors and sub-contractors who work regularly (for example, two hours or more over eight consecutive weeks within a year) on University premises in the UK at or above the Living Wage rate.  All departments therefore pay the Living Wage or more to all employees and workers, including interns, and casual workers.


University employees

The University currently pays the Living Wage as the minimum rate of pay to all its employees and is committed to ensure that all employees continue to be paid the Living Wage as the minimum rate of pay in the future. The Living Wage is reviewed annually and the University revises the pay scale annually to ensure that the lowest point remains at or above the Living Wage.

Those employed by contractors to work on University premises

Any contract under which the contractor’s employees work regularly (for example, two hours or more over eight consecutive weeks within a year) on University premises, must pay the Living Wage to those employees. Contracts may relate to cleaning, catering or any other services.

The University’s preferred suppliers have been briefed to provide quotes on a Living Wage basis. All other new contracts should also be agreed on a Living Wage basis.

living wage logo

Further information

If you would like to discuss the University’s Living Wage accreditation further, please contact