The 10-year review of the EJRA has now completed. For the full set of recommendations please see the Review report and the Review web page. 

  • With effect from 1 October 2023 the EJRA is set at the 30 September preceding an individual’s 70th birthday.
  • It applies to all academic staff and academic-related staff at grade RSIV, and clinical equivalents (E62 and E82).
  • With effect from 18 October 2022 there is no set retirement age for staff at grades 1 to 10 and ALC6.
  • The EJRA is in place to promote a set of Aims (set out below), including to enable inter-generational fairness, improvements in diversity, and succession planning.
  • In exceptional circumstances, individuals can apply to work beyond the EJRA by following the EJRA extension application process.

The University has operated an Employer Justified Retirement Age since 2011. The policy was introduced following changes in national legislation that removed the default retirement age. It was reviewed and revised after 5 years (in 2017) and again after 10 years (in 2022).  For further information please see the Review report and the Review web page. 

Staff may be aware that an Employment Tribunal in December 2022 was asked to consider four individual claimants’ cases against the University’s 2017 EJRA as it was applied to their employment. While the University is disappointed with the tribunal’s judgment, it has decided not to appeal the findings. The Aims of the EJRA (promoting intra-and inter-generational fairness, refreshing the workforce, facilitating succession planning and promoting equality and diversity) remain those of the University and the EJRA policy, as updated in 2022 in accordance with a 10-year review, remains in place.


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In 2011 the University agreed to maintain a retirement age (the “Employer Justified Retirement Age” or EJRA) for University academic and academic-related staff, including (in respect of their University appointments) the holders of joint appointments, primarily to support the University's mission to sustain excellence in teaching, research and administration and to maintain and develop its historical position as a world-class university (see the Aims of the EJRA, below).

Following the completion of the 10-year review of the Policy in 2022, Congregation decided to maintain the EJRA but with a revised age and coverage.

From 18 October 2022, the Vice-Chancellor and all holders of the posts of Statutory Professor, Associate Professor and grade RSIV researcher, and equivalents of those posts are deemed to have a retirement date of 30 September preceding the 69th birthday (rising to the 30 September preceding the 70th birthday with effect from 1 October 2023) which shall be the EJRA. Applications to work beyond the EJRA are considered in accordance with the Procedure that has been approved by Council, on the recommendation of the Personnel Committee, and will only be approved in specific and exceptional circumstances.

[In cases where, under the Personnel Committee's procedures applying until 30 September 2011, a member of staff has a retirement date set by individual agreement to be later than the EJRA, the retirement date specified in the agreement will continue to apply.]

The application and outcomes of the EJRA and its procedures are reported annually to the Personnel Committee and will be subject to a further review in 2027. This review will take into account all relevant considerations, including the continued relevance of the Aims of the EJRA to each of the groups of staff to whom the EJRA applies, the application of the EJRA, and the procedure for exceptional limited extended employment, as well as relevant external developments in relation, for example, to pensions and longevity.

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The University of Oxford is a unique environment: it has a collegiate structure and complex staffing procedures, including the stringent protections for employment and academic freedom enshrined in Statute XII. It is governed by Congregation, which includes its most senior employees, and is also a charity. It has relatively low turnover in many grades, and the potential to create vacancies by growth is limited by its built environment and constraints on student numbers.


In this context, the EJRA is considered to be an appropriate and necessary means of ensuring the creation of sufficient vacancies to meet the overarching Aim of achieving the University’s Mission:

The advancement of learning by teaching and research and its dissemination by every means.

The Mission is supported by the Vision, which includes commitments to provide world-class research and education, protect independent scholarship and academic freedom, and foster principles of innovation, collaboration, and equality of opportunity.


These ambitions in turn rely on the Aims set out below:


  • promoting intra- and inter-generational fairness and maintaining the flow of opportunities that allows academics, researchers and professional staff, and those aspiring to hold those positions, to commence or develop careers at the University and to access the benefits of University employment
  • refreshing the academic, research and other professional workforce to enable the University to maintain its rich academic environment, foster innovation, and provide world-class research and education
  • facilitating succession planning by maintaining predictable retirement dates, especially in the context of the collegiate University's joint appointment system
  • promoting equality and diversity, noting that recent recruits are more diverse than the composition of the existing workforce, especially amongst the older age groups

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The EJRA is intended to maintain turnover in support of the Aims listed above. The policy includes an exceptions procedure, under which individuals may apply to extend their employment beyond the EJRA. Applications are considered by the EJRA Committee, with a right of appeal.

The EJRA was established in 2011 and was reviewed after 5 years and after 10 years. 

The 10-year review of the EJRA began in 2021 and concluded in 2022.  Its proposals were approved by Congregation in October 2022 and were as follows:

  1. Grades 8-10 and clinical equivalents and ALC6 were removed from the EJRA with effect from the date of the Congregation decision on 18 October 2022.
  2. The age at which the EJRA is set for those staff for whom it is retained would be raised by one year to 30 September preceding the 70th birthday with effect from 1 October 2023 (i.e. age 69).


In addition to the Vice-Chancellor, the following staff groups (including those who hold joint appointments, in respect of their University employment) are covered by the EJRA (collectively referred to as the “EJRA Staff”):

Statutory Professor and equivalents: this group includes clinical and non-clinical Statutory Professors. It does not include staff employed on grades 6-10 or clinical equivalents holding the title of full professor.

Associate Professor and equivalents: this group includes clinical and non-clinical Associate Professors and Readers. It does not include staff employed on grades 6-10 or clinical equivalents holding the title of Associate Professor or Reader.

Grade RSIV researcher and equivalents: this group includes senior research staff on grade RSIV, Senior Clinical Researchers on grades E62 and E82 and Royal Society Research Professors.

Academic and Researcher off-scale grades A90 and D90 where the substantive post is one of the above or equivalent to one of the above.


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  1. This paper sets out the procedure that will be used by the University for considering requests from academic staff and academic-related staff at grade RSIV and equivalents (E62 and E82) who are due to retire on or after reaching the Employer Justified Retirement Age (EJRA) but who wish to extend their employment and consider that they have a strong case for doing so in light of the Aims and the issues to be taken into account in considering applications (Section VI below).

It is the policy of the University that EJRA Staff will have a fixed retirement date in order to support the Aims of the EJRA.  Extending the employment of EJRA Staff will undermine the Aims. Only in very exceptional circumstances, such as to alleviate significant and unavoidable personal hardship (such as hardship arising from an employee’s disability), or where the extended employment of the particular employee is necessary in order to ensure the completion of a specific project or duties1 or to gain the full benefit of a project already completed,  will any application under this procedure be approved, so long as the detrimental impact on the Aims is kept to a minimum. All requests to continue working beyond the EJRA submitted in accordance with Section II below will be considered in this context.

The extension procedure does not affect the right of EJRA Staff to apply for roles at grades to which the EJRA does not apply. A member of the EJRA Staff who successfully obtains such a role need not apply for an extension under this policy.

Advice on the process and on making applications may be obtained from the Secretary to the EJRA Committee.

[1]Examples of projects and duties to be completed might include: the completion of a research project that can only be carried out by the individual concerned; the need for an individual to finish a teaching course for which it would not be possible to provide a replacement (for example, when the course is coming to an end).

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Informing staff of the EJRA and the process for requesting an extension

  1. The Head of Division or equivalent will remind academic staff in writing of their normal retirement date and of the process for requesting continuation in employment beyond that date, if possible, no later than 2.5 years before their retirement date under the EJRA. In the case of joint appointments, this notification will be copied to the relevant college(s). Where they judge it necessary, divisions may decide to give earlier notification, for example if it is considered advisable to initiate early discussion with a view to more effective planning for retirement. To identify those approaching their normal EJRA dates, divisions/departments can run the PERDEP07 Retirement Planning report.
  • Use template letter ML1 to give notice to academic staff nearing their EJRA date. Notice should be given at least 2.5 years in advance of that date
  • Use template letter ML3 to give notice to academic staff who are nearing the end of an EJRA extension, or who have an individually agreed retirement date
  • Use template ML2 to give notice to academic-related staff in grade RSIV and equivalents nearing their EJRA date. Notice should be given at least 2.5 years in advance of that date.
  • Use template letter ML4 to give notice to academic-related staff in grade RSIV and equivalents who are nearing the end of an EJRA extension, or who have an individually agreed retirement date.
  1. All requests for employment beyond the EJRA will be considered by the EJRA Committee in accordance with the timetable set out below. Meetings will be held once every 6 months and applications will be considered in gathered fields at those meetings in the light of the Aims and the issues to be taken into account, which are specified at section VI below.
  2. Any staff member who wishes to continue in employment beyond the EJRA and who believes that they have a strong case for doing so in light of the Aims and the issues to be considered (section VI) should first discuss their situation in good time with their Head of Department or equivalent. An academic member of staff might also wish to have an informal discussion with their Head of Division. Holders of joint appointments should also consult their colleges (normally the Senior Tutor). Similarly, where an honorary contract is held with another body, such as an NHS Trust, that other body should also be consulted.
  3. The aim of these discussions is to ensure that all options have been explored. The staff member and Head of Department should in all cases consider whether the individual’s and/or department’s aims could be achieved through use of a genuine non-employment arrangement following retirement (which should not present any obstacle to filling the newly vacated role), such as a post-retirement honorary research agreement2 or visitor’s agreement. If so, the University’s expectation is that this course would be taken, rather than an application for an extension of employment being submitted. There is guidance on available non-employment options (please see the Retirement Guidance download on the right hand side of this page).
  4. In circumstances where non-employment options will not achieve the individual’s and/or the department’s aims, an application for extended employment will be needed. The application should address the impact of the proposed extension on the Aims of the EJRA and set out the case for an extension in the light of the matters for consideration at section VI.
  5. It is expected that in all but very rare cases, those who hold permanent posts would need, as a minimum, to step out of their current post into a newly created, fixed-term post, on a grade appropriate to the duties to be delivered, to vacate any space they occupy and to relinquish any other University resources which would be needed successfully to refill the vacated post (or the post(s) replacing it), thereby reducing any negative impact of the extension on the Aims of the EJRA. It is also expected that:
    1. any extension of employment in a newly created post will have contracted hours appropriate to the work to be delivered, and that its duration will be limited to that necessary to complete the project or duties for which the employment extension is being sought; and,
    2. in all but very rare cases, the applicant will have secured grant or other funding to cover their full costs (for example, including on-costs) while in employment beyond the EJRA
  6. When the proposed extension of employment involves reduced duties or working-time, it could be relevant to consider the option of flexible retirement which will allow the individual to take part of their pension to supplement a reduced salary.
  7. All post-EJRA employment will be on a fixed-term contract. NB This must be set up in a specific way in the University’s HR Information System (PeopleXD). Divisions should follow the PeopleXD guidance available here.
  8. In the case of joint appointments with the University and a college, the staff member may wish to continue working in only one part of the joint appointment, or one employer might wish to agree continued employment while the other does not. In these instances, the employers will wish to discuss how their respective interests in the future of the substantive joint appointment should be protected.

In the case of cross-departmental joint appointments, the lead employing department will take the lead on discussions with the applicant in consultation with the other employing department where relevant.

  1. These discussions, which should take place at any suitable time before the deadline for applications to the EJRA Committee, will help inform any formal request which might subsequently be made by the individual. Such discussions are intended to provide opportunity for the formulation of a request which will minimise the impact on the Aims of the EJRA and with which all parties will be content.
  2. Any request to continue working for the University beyond the EJRA in a University appointment or a joint University and college appointment should be made by the member of staff. It should be submitted by the member of staff in writing, following consultation with all interested parties, to the Secretary to the EJRA Committee. In addition, any request relating to the college part of a joint appointment should be made to the relevant college according to its procedures.
  3. The submission should be made on Form EJRA1A which should be completed as fully as possible. (Please note, for every EJRA case submitted there must be a corresponding ‘EJRA UDF’ record set up in the University’s HR Information System (PeopleXD)
  4. In the case of joint appointments with the University and a College, the submission should include comment from the College on any implications for the joint appointment that arise from the extension being sought to the University part of the individual's employment. In particular, the College should be asked to comment on any proposed arrangement that would result in the parts of the joint appointment being treated differently. Likewise, comment should be included from any other employer (for example, an NHS Trust) where employment by the University and by the other employer (including any honorary contract) are inter-related.

The applicant may append to the submission any supporting material that is directly relevant to the matters set out in Section VI. Testimonials will not be considered by the Committee.

  1. The normal deadline for submissions to reach the Secretary to the EJRA Committee is the 30 September 24 months before the EJRA date. Those with individual retirement dates (for example agreed before the introduction of the EJRA or resulting from an extension under the EJRA policy) should wherever possible submit any applications for further extended employment 2 years in advance of that date or, in any event, as soon as possible.

When the individual proposes to make a grant application that would necessitate their employment beyond the EJRA, they should submit an application for an extension in advance of applying for the grant. Such applications will be considered at the next meeting of the EJRA Committee. If the Committee approves any such applications, the approval will be contingent upon the success of the grant application, and the contracted hours of the post-EJRA employment will normally be limited to those funded in full (for example, including on-costs) by the grant and any other additional applicable income arising from extended employment.

  1. Late requests may be submitted only in limited and exceptional circumstances. The Chair of the EJRA Committee will consider whether to accept any late requests and their decision will be final. The Chair will only accept late requests when the circumstances that necessitate the late request were clearly beyond the control of the applicant and/or department and could not reasonably have been anticipated.
  2. All requests submitted by the annual deadline will be sent to the relevant Head of Department who will be asked to consult the relevant departmental committee3 and to complete Form EJRA2A. Departments are expected to provide factual comment only on the form; there is no longer any requirement for departments to express their support or otherwise for applications.

In the case of cross-departmental appointments, the lead employing department will be asked to provide this information. That department's submission should confirm that other relevant departments(s) have been consulted, and it should report any information provided by them.

  1. Individual and departmental submissions will be collated and forwarded to the relevant Division. The Head of each Division will be asked to consult the appropriate divisional-level committee and to provide comment on the strategic importance of the proposed duties or project in each case. They will be asked to return their comments on Form EJRA3A by a specified deadline to the HR Policy Manager.

Before the collated submissions are seen by the Committee, the applicant will have the opportunity to comment on the submissions made by their Department and Division, and the applicant may be asked to clarify in writing any point in their own submission that the Committee Chair considers to be unclear.

[2] Templates and guidance on laboratory and non-laboratory honorary research agreements will be provided.

[3] This might be the Faculty or Departmental Board, or an appropriate sub-committee, such as an appointments panel or local personnel committee. The applications will be sent for comment in a gathered field.

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  1. All requests to continue working beyond the EJRA will be considered by the EJRA Committee. The Committee will assess each request in the context of the Aims of the EJRA and the issues laid out at paragraphs 36-41.
  2. The EJRA Committee will meet at intervals of 6 months, normally in Michaelmas term and in Trinity term of each year.
  3. The Committee consists of eight members, as follows:
  • chair: the Deputy Chair of the People Committee
  • the representative on People Committee of each of the four academic divisions (not the Head of Division)
  • a senior member of the University Administration and Services nominated by the Registrar
  • a member of People Committee who is also a member of Gardens, Libraries and Museums
  • the external member of People Committee
  1. Ordinarily, at least three members of the Committee shall be women and at least three shall be men.
  2. The Secretary to the EJRA Committee will service the Committee and will arrange for it to receive legal and other advice as required.
  3. The EJRA Committee shall be quorate when five out of eight members are present. If the Chair is unable to attend the meeting, they shall invite another member of the Committee to take the chair.
  4. If the Chair agrees that an application submitted outside of the normal timetable should be considered eg where a more rapid decision is essential to meet the deadline for submission of a grant application (see Paragraph 15), the application shall be considered by correspondence. In all other cases, applications will be considered in the normal timetable.
  5. In the case of the consideration of requests involving both parts of a joint appointment, the Chair of the Committee will liaise with the chair of the equivalent College body over matters of process, including the relative timings of the work of the two panels and the communication between the panels of their decisions, as may best suit the individual case and allow for issues relating to the joint nature of the post to addressed.
  6. The Committee will consider the request in the light of the Aims of the EJRA, taking into account the considerations set out in Section VI and having considered the submissions by the staff member, the department and the division, and relevant information provided by the College and/or NHS Trust, as appropriate. The Committee will seek any clarification it deems necessary.
  7. The Committee will decide on the request for extension of employment including the length of time of any such extension. Their decision shall have effect in respect of employment with the University, and the division/department shall act accordingly. In the case of joint appointments, the College will make its decision in respect of College employment according to its own regulations and procedures.

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  1. The Committee will inform the applicant, the department, the division and, where appropriate, the College of its decision in writing. The letter will specify the length of any extension granted and any conditions imposed upon that extension by the Committee.
  2. Where the request to continue working beyond the EJRA is rejected or is granted on different terms than those requested, the individual will be notified in writing of the right of appeal to the University Appeal Panel.
  3. Where a decision is taken under these procedures to extend employment beyond the EJRA, the individual will be issued with a fixed-term contract, to terminate at the date set by the EJRA Committee in agreeing to the extension. This contract will state the details of the specific hours, duties, salary and other terms and conditions.

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  1. Any appeal against the decision of the EJRA Committee must be notified in writing by the staff member to the Registrar within 28 days of receipt of the letter confirming the Committee’s decision.
  2. An appeal may be made against the refusal of a request or against the terms of approval where they differ from those requested by the staff member.
  3. The letter of appeal should set out clearly the grounds for the appeal.
  4. The appeal will be heard by the University Appeal Panel in accordance with the procedure set out in Council Regulations 1 of 2017.

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  1. It is the policy of the University that EJRA Staff will have a fixed retirement date in order to support the Aims of the EJRA. Extending the employment of EJRA Staff will undermine the Aims. Only in very exceptional circumstances, such as to alleviate significant and unavoidable personal hardship (such as hardship arising from an employee’s disability), or where the extended employment of the particular employee is necessary to ensure the accomplishment of a specific project or duties or to gain the full benefit of a project already completed will any application under this procedure be approved, so long as the detrimental impact on the Aims is kept to a minimum.

In order to minimise this impact,

  1. any extension of employment will, in any circumstance in which the applicant occupies an academic post or a permanent position of any other type, involve the applicant vacating their permanent post and moving to a fixed-term contract on an appropriate grade
  2. any extension would also involve the applicant vacating any space and relinquishing any other resources which would be needed to successfully refill the vacant post (or any post replacing it); and
  3. the applicant will identify in their application all possible means of supporting the salary and other costs (including on-costs, space, equipment and other resources) associated with their proposed role. In all but very rare cases, such as those relating to personal hardship, applications will only be approved where the individual has secured funding to cover their costs while in employment beyond the EJRA. This is to ensure that:
  • there is no financial detriment to the University as a result of the extension
  • there is no financial impediment to the refilling of the applicant’s permanent post
  1. Applications will still be considered if these expectations cannot be met, but only in very rare cases will individuals be successful if they apply to remain in a permanent post, preventing its being refilled, or if their proposal does not include the means to cover their employment costs in full.
  2. In all cases, the Committee will bear in mind that all staff are expected to carry out their roles to a high standard. In the case of academic and research staff, this includes distinguished scholarship and research. Senior academic and research staff will often be world-leaders in their field. The offer of distinguished scholarship does not constitute a relevant consideration for the purposes of this procedure.
  3. Where an EJRA Staff member has applied for and successfully obtained a University post at a grade to which the EJRA does not apply, the fact that there may be a time-delay and gap in employment between the staff member retiring from their current post and starting their new post will not constitute “hardship” or an exceptional circumstance for the purposes of this procedure.
  4. Where an EJRA Staff member is applying for an extension on the grounds of particular personal hardship or other exceptional personal circumstances, they are expected to provide supporting evidence of such hardship or circumstances to the Committee and to respond promptly and fully to any requests from the Committee for further evidence or information. It is recognised that the evidence and information is likely to be sensitive, and the Committee will deal with it accordingly, but the onus is on the employee to demonstrate the existence and extent of the hardship or other exceptional circumstances.
  5. The list below outlines the type of matters that the Committee will take into account in making their decision.
    1. Is there a demonstrable need, for a defined period, to retain the applicant in employment to complete a specific project or duties, or to gain the full benefit of tasks already completed by him or her, which:
      1. are of particular strategic importance to the University
      2. could not be completed by any other individual who is not over the EJRA, either by a current member of the University’s staff or through a recruitment exercise
      3. in the case of prospective or current grant-funded research projects, could not, in accordance with the funder’s rules, be completed on a non-employed, or voluntary basis
      4. could not be completed on an employment contract with fewer working hours or of a shorter duration?
    2. Will the proposed extension result in the creation of career development opportunities for others that would not otherwise have been created?
    3. Is there a demonstrable need that arises in connection with a specific event or circumstance and that could only be met by retaining this particular employee in employment for a fixed period?
    4. In the case of personal hardship, has the employee provided reliable evidence that the hardship exists or will exist? Has the employee taken reasonable steps to avoid or mitigate it, and what alternatives to extension are open to them? For instance, if the employee claims that leaving University employment will cause them severe financial hardship, what steps have they taken to save for their retirement or obtain alternative paid employment elsewhere or in the University?
    5. Are there any special personal circumstances that would properly justify exceptional treatment such as an extended career break to care for a family member, or a disability which has slowed research progress?
    6. In the case of a joint appointment, what are the implications for the joint nature of the post eg where the request involves only one part of a joint appointment, has some suitable means been found of managing the future of the joint appointment to protect the shared interests of the University and College?
    7. In the case of clinical academics, is the NHS Trust concerned willing to renew the employee's honorary contract? The holding of an honorary contract is prerequisite for continuation in a clinical post.

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  1. A member of EJRA Staff whose retirement date has been set later than the EJRA may apply for a further extension under the procedures in Sections II-VI above, provided that they do so in accordance with the normal procedures and, where possible, observe normal deadlines. It should be noted that a further extension will only be granted if it is essential to address unforeseeable circumstances that have frustrated the purpose for which the original extension was granted.

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Downloadable EJRA forms


Form to be completed by applicant


Form to be completed by department /faculty


Form to be completed by division


Downloadable forms for a further extension
EJRA1B Form to be completed by applicant
EJRA2B Form to be completed by department/faculty
EJRA3B Form to be completed by division


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This is a summary of the EJRA application process. Before completing an application form, applicants should read the full EJRA Procedure carefully to ensure a full understanding of the issues that the EJRA Committee will take into account in considering applications. There is also an EJRA process map available in Documents on the right hand side of this page to help illustrate the process.

All requests for employment beyond the EJRA are considered by the EJRA Committee in accordance with the timetable and Procedure. Applications will be considered in gathered fields every 6 months, normally in December and June.

  • Employees seeking an EJRA extension are responsible for making an application using form EJRA1A. The form normally must be received by the Secretary to the EJRA Committee no later than 24 months before the applicant's retirement date.
  • The Secretary to the EJRA Committee will then send the completed EJRA1A form to the applicant’s Head of Department, who will be asked to consult the relevant departmental committee and use form EJRA2A to respond.
  • The Department will then be asked to send the completed EJRA1A and 2A forms to the relevant Head of Division (copying in the Secretary to the EJRA Committee). The Head of Division will be asked to consult the appropriate divisional-level committee in order to comment on the strategic importance of the proposed duties or project. The Division will be asked to complete form EJRA3A accordingly.  
  • The Head of Division will then be asked to send the completed EJRA3A form back to the Secretary to the EJRA Committee
  • Applicants then have the opportunity to review and comment on the departmental and divisional forms before they are submitted to the EJRA Committee. The applicant may also be asked to clarify in writing any point in their own submission that the Committee Chair considers unclear. 
  • There is a timetable for each stage of this process available in the Timetable tab above.

Please note that the EJRA Procedure stresses the importance of early discussion with the Head of Department or equivalent to consider whether it would be possible to meet the aims of the employee or the department other than by an extension in employment. Any employee considering seeking extended employment should take advice, independent where appropriate, on how this might affect their pension entitlement and related tax liabilities.

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  • The report PERDEP07 should be run to identify employees approaching their EJRA date.
  • All academic staff and academic-related staff at grade RSIV and equivalents should be sent a retirement letter at least 2.5 years in advance of their retirement date. More information is available in the Retirement section

For PeopleXD users, please remember that the ‘Retirement Date’ field in the personal details screen should be ignored as this field does not reflect current legislation and the University's EJRA.

  • An EJRA UDF should be created in PeopleXD for all employees who request to work beyond the EJRA, regardless of the outcome of their application. 
  • If an employee’s EJRA extension request is approved, a new fixed-term contract must be issued.
  • Further guidance on managing this process in PeopleXD is available in HRIS’s Scenario Factsheet on the EJRA


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Timetable for June 2025 application round. 

Deadlines for each stage of the EJRA process. 

Application process stage Deadline
Deadline for individuals to send completed EJRA 1 form to the Secretary to the EJRA Committee. 28 March 2025
Deadline for departments to submit EJRA 1 and EJRA 2 to Head of Division 16 April 2025
Deadline for Head of Division to send EJRA 1, EJRA 2 and EJRA 3 forms to the  Secretary to the EJRA Committee. 15 May 2025
Deadline for individuals to respond to the departmental and divisional submissions 22 May 2025