Academic Career and Reward Framework

Workstream 1: Academic Pathways Framework


This workstream aims to develop a framework for academic career pathways at Oxford that maximises the quality and ambition of the University’s core missions of education, research, and impact by introducing transparent processes and criteria for career progression across a range of academic roles.


Phase 1: Develop and consult on the framework (in progress)    

  • Develop a framework for career progression that clarifies expectations for academic roles at different career stages; 
  • Consult with key stakeholders across the collegiate University, to include draft guidance for applicants and review panels.  

Phase 2: Implement the framework 

  • Schedule implementation across Divisions and Departments/Faculties, as determined in Phase 1;
  • Finalise guidance and resources for applicants and review panels. 


Date Update
June/July 2024
  • Draft pathway framework being developed, ready for review by the ACRF Steering Group in October 2024. The framework initially focuses on progression to and from the existing Associate Professor stage, and will set out expectations for each stage of the pathway
April/May 2024
  • Insight from three focus groups on Academic Career Pathways independently analysed and discussed by the ACRF Steering Group 

  • Update on the emerging framework presented to the leadership team in the Department for Continuing Education 

March 2024
  • Three staff focus groups held to gather further feedback and insight from colleagues to guide the development of Academic Pathways Framework models
  • Focus group participants drawn from a broad spread of teaching and research roles and contract types, across the divisions and disciplinary areas, including college staff
Winter 2023/2024
  • Introduced the overarching Academic Career and Reward Framework project, with a particular focus on the Academic Pathways Framework workstream, to relevant committees and groups, including Divisional Boards and Colleges
  • V1 of the draft Pathways Framework shared with the Steering Group for feedback
  • Following further consultation with individual members of the Steering Group, v2 of a draft Academic Pathways Framework presented to the Steering Group in February 2024
  • Feedback received on prioritisation, scope, and level of ambition
October 2023
  • Presented v1 of the Academic Pathways Framework at Steering Group for feedback
July 2023
  • External appointed to undertake international sector benchmarking of academic career pathways
May 2023
  • Design principles, project timescales and milestones approved by Steering Group


Contact us

Email with any feedback on this webpage or input to this workstream


Workstream co-leads for the Academic Pathways Framework:

Dr Tanita Casci, Director, Research Strategy & Policy Unit  

Dr Jane Pritchard, Head of Educational Development, Centre for Teaching and Learning