This is the main academic grade at Oxford, roughly equivalent to associate professor in the USA.
Associate Professors are appointed for an initial period of up to five years, at the end of which a review takes place with a view to reappointment to retirement.
There are two basic types of associate professorship depending on the nature of the college association.
1. Associate Professorships with a tutorial fellowship
Most associate professorships are associated with a college tutorial fellowship. The associate professor’s teaching time will be split between duties for the University (undergraduate lectures, teaching masters and doctoral students etc) and duties for the college (tutorial ie very small group teaching and associated pastoral and administrative duties).
2. Associate Professorships without a tutorial fellowship (NTF)
Some associate professors do not hold a tutorial fellowship with their associated college, either because the college does not admit undergraduates, or because there is no undergraduate teaching in their particular subject area (eg Education). They receive 100% of their salary from the University in return for additional teaching and/or administrative duties in the department or faculty.
Titular Associate Professorships
Occasionally titular associate professorships may be advertised where the college will bear all of the combined costs of the appointment until such time that the University is able to fund its share and so make a normal appointment. In such cases the individual will hold a college tutorial fellowship; they will be expected to undertake some duties for the department or faculty while holding the title but the majority of duties will be for the college.