
The regrading procedure is applicable to staff occupying an existing post. The request to regrade a post may arise from either the department or an individual where they feel that changes in the role are sufficient to require a review of the grade. For information on new or vacant posts see Grading procedure.

Regrading applications may be submitted at any time in the year. The documentation for all regrading applications should be agreed with the departmental administrator or equivalent prior to submission. The regrading process is the same for all staff currently in grades 1 - 9. Regradings for staff in grade 10 are considered by the Senior Appointments Panel and departments should contact their divisional office for advice. Applications for regrading are normally completed within 10 working days, however the process may take longer if additional information is required. All regrading applications must be submitted via a staff request through PeopleXD.

The following information provides an overview of the regrading process, but individuals completing a regrading application should read the full notes for guidance before submitting their application form.

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Regrading applications require a simple application form, which specifies the key reasons for the regrading request, and provides for departmental comments to be made (which are encouraged). The application form should be accompanied by an agreed up-to-date job description and organisation chart. Applicants should refer to the guidance notes prior to completing their application.

In all cases an application form and job description should be agreed between the member of staff and their line manager and departmental administrator. Any comments made by the department should be discussed with the postholder.

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Role analysts from University HR will review the requests for regrading using the Higher Education Role Analysis scheme (HERA): normally this will be on the basis of the paperwork alone but in some cases it may be necessary to gather additional information.

A Grading Manager from University HR will verify regrading recommendations made by role analysts.

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The role analyst may request additional information in order to evaluate the job. The role holder (via the departmental administrator) will be emailed a form to complete for the relevant HERA element(s). The role analyst will not request information on more than three HERA elements.

If the role analyst requires additional information for more than three HERA elements a HERA interview will be carried out.

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If the regrading application is successful, the staff request for the regrading will be authorised on PeopleXD by the Reward Team.  If unsuccessful, the staff request will be placed on hold and written feedback will be provided to the Departmental Administrator. In the event of an unsuccessful application no further application will be accepted within a 12-month period from the date of the final grading outcome.

The date of effect of the regrading will be the 1st of the month in which the regrading application is received. Departments, at their discretion, may make a non-pensionable lump sum payment to compensate staff for working at a higher grade. This lump sum can equate to the value of the difference in salary for up to 12 months. Departments should act consistently in their consideration of these payments. On regrading to a higher grade, or transfer to a higher graded post, staff should normally receive the benefit of at least one additional increment above their previous salary. 

Members of staff will need to have occupied the higher graded post for at least three months prior to the incremental date for the grade in order to receive an annual automatic increment.

This applies even where a member of staff receives a non-pensionable lump sum to compensate for working at the higher grade for up to 12 months prior to the regrading request. Departments should bear this in mind when determining the incremental point of a member of staff on regrading.

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All members of staff and departments are entitled to request a review of the outcome of their regrading application.

  1. The departmental administrator, line manager, or supervisor will arrange a meeting with the role holder to discuss the outcome of their regrading application, within 5 working days whenever possible. The line manager will explain the reason for the decision (seeking information from the role analysts in University HR, if necessary).
  2. If either the staff member or department wishes to challenge the outcome, a written request for a review of the regrading decision should be made to the Head of Reward within 30 days. The request should set out the reasons they consider that the result of the original assessment was incorrect. The request should be sent by the departmental administrator or equivalent to
  3. The appeal documentation, which will include a HERA job evaluation report prepared by the role analyst or verifier, will be considered by a panel. The panel’s decision is final.

The appeal panel will comprise of two members of the Advisory and Appeal Panel, and a Grading Manager from University HR who was not involved in evaluating the original application. The Advisory and Appeal panel is a group of HERA trained role analysts drawn from across the University. Members of the panel will be called upon to hear regrading appeals and to provide advice on regrading applications (for example on particular technical details or specialist examples).

Decisions will be evidence-based and objective and it is expected that in most cases the panel will be in agreement. However, in the event of a disagreement, the Grading Manager, taking into account the views of the other appeal panellists, will make the final decision.

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PeopleXD guidance

For guidance on managing the PeopleXD systems changes please visit: