Work changed dramatically for many staff during the COVID-19 pandemic, with the requirement for staff to work remotely and communicate virtually. The New Ways of Working Framework has been created to ensure professional service staff can continue to support the University’s academic mission whilst working on site or remotely - as we move out of the pandemic. The NWW Framework aims to support the University to evolve - so that how we work enables individuals and teams to be highly effective and fulfilled - whilst we support the University’s mission.
The Framework is a result of highly consultative project. Initiated by the Registrar Gill Aitken, it has sought input from across the University, with all staff consulted via a survey, engagement activities, and pilots in both the UAS, GLAM and academic departments.
Go to the New Ways of Working website to read about the Framework, and find all the supporting guidance.
If you have any feedback or questions please email the NWW team: