Academic Career and Reward Framework

Workstream 4: Academic Contracts and Policy


This workstream aims to update policy regarding academic staff, update contract templates and develop new ones as required. Particular areas for consideration include the Initial Period of Office for Associate Professors and the possibility of a new Assistant Professor grade.


  • Updated policy; and
  • Revised and new contract templates as required



Date Update
December 2024  On 4 December, the ACRF Steering Group approved the consultation and implementation timeline for the framework. The Conference of Colleges is setting up a working group to examine the college-related implications of the framework. 
November - December 2024 An overview of the ACRF was presented to Divisional representatives or Divisional Boards for feedback (presentation to MSD will take place on 14 January 2025). These consultations were followed by deep dive sessions for divisional representatives from November to mid-December, focusing on the development of promotion criteria relating to Research, Education, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in HE, and Citizenship. 
29 October 2024  The ACRF Steering Group considered the first draft of the Oxford Academic Careers Framework, which incorporated feedback from the summer deep dives held with the Group, and from consultations with select Heads of Department. It also reviewed an initial mapping of the current staff population to the framework, and policy implications. Approval to seek wider feedback was given. 
September - October 2024 Deep dive discussions with subsets of the Steering Group took place in September/October around policy, workload, pathways, mechanisms and implications for colleges, to inform the framework. 
Long Vacation 2024

Particular implications considered for policy and contracts for roles involving both research and education elements, in discussion with divisional representatives

Trinity term 2024

General implications for contracts and policy considered as work progressed in other areas of the project and discussed with divisional representatives on the project working group

Hilary term 2024

Initial implications for academic contracts and policy considered in relation to v2 of the emerging Academic Pathways Framework


Contact us

Email with any feedback on this webpage or input to this workstream


Workstream lead for Academic Contracts and Policy:

Kathryn Fairhurst Jones, HR Policy Officer