The University’s Agreement on Consulting and Informing Employees, to which this guidance is appended, provides the means by which the University complies with the Information and Consultation of Employees Regulations 2004.
Departmental communication, and in the case of academic employees divisional communication, with employees is an important part of the University’s overall communications strategy.
Many departments will already have in place local arrangements for consulting and informing employees and arrangements that are suitable for one department may not always be suitable for another. Similarly, divisions will have their own structures and arrangements where communication at the divisional level is appropriate. It is not, therefore, intended that departments or divisions should be asked to follow a prescriptive model, although advice on appropriate arrangements is, of course, available from University HR on request.
The checklist below is provided so that departments and divisions can be sure that their local arrangements for informing and consulting employees generally comply with the requirements of employment law: