Oxford University weighting
The Oxford University Weighting (OUW) of £1,500 has been applied to the nationally negotiated pay spine points for 2023/24.
The payment, which is being incorporated into the salary and is pensionable, will be prorated for part-time and hourly paid staff, as well as for staff who join or leave mid-year. This adjustment applies to all staff on grades 1–10 of the main salary and grading structure. It will be paid on September pay day and backdated to 1 August 2024.
Impact on staff on grades 1-3 who receive the Oxford Living Wage increase
The Oxford Living Wage increase already applied in April 2024 for many staff in grades 1–3 and the Apprentice grade will be absorbed within this year’s Oxford University Weighting payment. Staff who received the April 2024 uplift will receive the remainder of the £1,500 Oxford University Weighting (paid monthly) with effect from 1 August 2024, at the same time as all other staff on grades 1–10.
An FAQ has been added to the Pay and Conditions website explaining how the Oxford University Weighting affects staff on grades 1-3.
Amendments to grades 1-3
Grade 1: A new discretionary point has been added at the top.
Grade 2: Point 2.5 has been removed. Staff currently on this point will move to 2.6, with the OUW applied accordingly. Points 2.7 and 2.8 have become standard incremental points, while 2.9 remains discretionary, and two additional discretionary points (2.10 and 2.11) have been created.
Grade 3: Points 1, 2, and 3 have been removed, and staff on these points will move to 3.4.
Changes to Associate Professor Grades (also known as ‘Grade 10a’)
All pay points for Associate Professors have been realigned to one point higher on the national pay scale (starting from National Pay Point 43, instead of 42). This adjustment provides the value of an increment automatically without changing the actual points in the system or moving staff to a different pay point.