Departmental administrators/Heads of Administration have been emailed to ask them to arrange for their departments to complete the annual HR self-assessment checklist and data collection survey.
The information we gather through this survey is extremely valuable and is used by colleagues across the Central HR function over the coming year for a range of project developments and reporting requirements - we are very grateful for your co-operation.
A copy of the self-assessment checklist (in Word) can be downloaded below. The data collection exercise is an online survey but a Word version of the questions is also available to download - this is for reference only and to help you to prepare any information you may need to complete the online survey.
Once you have completed the self-assessment checklist and are ready, you will find the survey at
The deadline for completion is 28 February 2020.
If you have any questions, or if you would like a copy of your department's submission from last year, please contact