Academic Career and Reward Framework

Workstream 3: Academic Reward and Recognition


This workstream aims to propose a reward and recognition framework which is clearly aligned to career pathways.

The proposals aim to deliver:

  1. Rewards that provide clear promotion steps and recognition of teaching alongside research; 
  2. Clarity on pay benchmarks and pay mechanisms; and
  3. Improved satisfaction with pay and benefits


Work carried out under the Reward and Recognition stream falls into a number of stages:

  1. Benchmarking and considering differences in total reward;
  2. Mapping pay structures to proposed career pathways;
  3. Developing and aligning a reward and recognition framework aligned to proposed career pathways; and
  4. Modelling and costing proposed pay structures and wider reward framework


Date Update


December 2024  On 4 December, the ACRF Steering Group approved the consultation and implementation timeline for the framework. The Conference of Colleges is setting up a working group to examine the college-related implications of the framework. 

November to December 2024

An overview of the ACRF was presented to Divisional representatives or Divisional Boards for feedback (presentation to MSD will take place on 14 January 2025). These consultations were followed by deep dive sessions for divisional representatives from November to mid-December, focusing on the development of promotion criteria relating to Research, Education, Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in HE, and Citizenship. 
29 October 2024 The ACRF Steering Group considered the first draft of the Oxford Academic Careers Framework, which incorporated feedback from the summer deep dives held with the Group, and from consultations with select Heads of Department. It also reviewed an initial mapping of the current staff population to the framework, and policy implications. Approval to seek wider feedback was given. 
April to May 2024

Steering Group received a report on the relevant insight on academic reward and recognition from staff focus groups run under the University's Pay & Conditions review

March 2024

Findings and recommendations from the Pay & Conditions review discussed by Council members on 4 March

ACRF Steering Group updated on key findings from the Pay & Conditions review in relation to academic pay benchmarking and reward, at its meeting on 18 March

December 2023 to February 2024

Findings and recommendations of the Pay & Conditions review reported on schedule to the Vice-Chancellor before Christmas and to University Council on 5 February 2024

November 2023

Academic pay benchmarking completed as part of the Pay & Conditions review, to inform recommendations on the University’s total reward offer for academic staff (including all teaching and research staff)

July to October 2023

Terms of reference for pay benchmarking agreed by the Steering Group

Benchmarking work carried out over the summer, with a view to outcomes being reported to both the Steering Group for this project and the Steering Committee for the Vice-Chancellor's Pay and Conditions review


Contact us

Email with any feedback on this webpage or input to this workstream


Workstream lead for Academic Reward and Recognition:

Sarah Kilgour, Head of Reward