This guidance relates to the employment of researchers, especially those in posts which are funded by external research sponsoring bodies, such as the Research Councils, Royal Society, British Academy, charities, trusts, government departments, industry, and other bodies.
It is based upon elements of the University’s formal Code of Practice on the employment and career development of research staff, but provides more detailed guidance on key aspects of researchers’ career paths.
This guidance has been approved by the University’s People Committee (formerly known as Personnel Committee), with the expectation that all departments will introduce arrangements based on this guidance appropriate to the local context. Local factors which might influence variations in practice include the typical length of contract and seniority of research staff and PIs; the extent to which research staff work in groups and teams; and the security of external funding.
The guidance, below, consists of:
A diagrammatic overview of the respective responsibilities of departmental administrators and heads of department on the one hand, and PIs, supervisors and research group leaders on the other
Some reflective questions for principle investigators and others to use to guide their supervision of researchers careers.
Guidance for PIs: reflective questions
This guidance is intended for principal investigators, research group leaders, heads of department and departmental administrators. It should be read in conjunction with the table of responsibilities, below.