Getting on the register
The employee should seek the agreement of their department or division and supply a short summary of their current duties (about 50-60 words) and a full job description.
The department or division should forward these details to University HR (via their HR Business Partner) who will include the summary on the register and will supply the full details on request to any division or department which has a candidate potentially facing redundancy
Using the register
A department or division with staff who have been warned that they are at risk of redundancy should consult the register to see if it contains a post(s) to which one or more of the staff at risk could be redeployed.
If a potentially suitable post is identified, the department or division should ask their HR Business Partner for full details. If the post still appears suitable, the department or division should put their employee forward for interview. If, after interview, the applicant is found suitable for the post they should be appointed to it.
If the appointment is made, the employee on the register of employees may be released on agreed terms, on receipt of a letter of voluntary resignation.
HR Business Partners will advise on terms, notice periods and dates. Any enhanced payment to the departing employee will normally be the responsibility of the department whose employee was at risk of redundancy.