We have launched the 2018 self-assessment and data collection exercise. As for last year’s exercise, there are two elements to this exercise:
Part one – a self-assessment checklist to allow you to review your HR practice within the department. This is a Word document, 2018 Compliance Audit which gives full details of the process. You should complete this and retain it in your department: you will be asked to confirm your compliance, or identify any areas of non-compliance in your online submission for Part two.
Part two – a data collection exercise which allows University HR to collect data for a range of reporting requirements, policy development or other processes. This is an online survey which can be accessed at https://oxford.onlinesurveys.ac.uk/hr2018
The data provided should be for the period 1 January to 31 December 2018.
Each department should make only one submission and the survey has been sent to the lead Departmental Administrator/Head of Administration and Finance so that they can consider the most appropriate route for this submission to be made for their department.
The deadline for submission is Friday 1 March 2019. If you think you will be unable to meet this deadline please contact Kate Butler (89925, kate.butler@admin.ox.ac.uk) as soon as possible.