Grading Service Review

Workstream 1: Triage

The triage service ran for approximately three months to:  

  • Gather data to enable targeted communications and training, and guide the implementation of the medium and long-term review recommendations;  
  • Improve turnaround times, with more efficient movement of requests through the process;   
  • Reduce the number of full job evaluations carried out; and  
  • Reduce time spent seeking additional information. 

As part of the triage process, new reports and a tracker were introduced to monitor turnaround times, and allocation of work to analysts was centralised. A daily stand-up meeting was introduced in order to track work and to share insights gained from the process within the grading team.

407 requests were triaged over the three month period. In 16% of cases (across 37 departments), departments were contacted by the Triage Service to highlight a particular issue and to rectify the problem.

During the triage period, grading turnaround times reduced by an average of two days.

The Triage process identified that gradings can be reduced by 20%. Issues fell into broad themes, and a range of measures are now being implemented with the aim of improving turnaround times and user experience. 


Recommendations following Triage Status
Add position type New Job - Existing JD and issue guidance to support departments to provide this information up front Complete
Review contract decision matrix and re-issue to clarify purpose of information provided, improve consistency of terminology, and increase understanding of post/appointment structure Complete
Create new automated tracking and reporting in HR Reporting to replace the temporary Triage tracker Complete
Update and simplify the regrading application form and guidance to aid completion Complete
Remove contract change processes from the Staff Request process and delegate to departments In progress
Set up training sessions with departments experiencing repeated and multiple issues Complete

Project timeline

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  • Formal grading for the standardised job descriptions prioritised around Reward Team capacity
  • Check and test pilot phase with selected departments ahead of broader implementation
  • HR staff in divisions invited to review first tranche of standardised job descriptions, toolkit and video
  • Sign off on tranche 1 underway by Reward team
  • Web pages under development to host standardised job descriptions & resources
  • Updates delivered to Heads of Administration and Finance and Services Sub Committee
  • Standardised job descriptions designed and developed
  • Toolkit for Managers and HR staff built and tested 
  • Stakeholder engagement continues
  • System changes implemented following temporary triage service
  • Improvements made to the Staff Request and Contract Decision matrix
  • Regrading form pilot: Feedback gathered from departments and a revised regrading form and guidance notes piloted
  • Temporary triage service completed and recommendations made for system improvements
  • Recommendations and high level implementation plan published. Read here
  • Grading Service Review launches

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